Unit 2 | Structure of Atom | Chemistry Class 9 | Hindi/Urdu

Unit 2 | Structure of Atom | Chemistry Class 9 | Hindi/Urdu

Unit 2 | Structure of Atom | Chemistry Class 9 | Hindi/Urdu

 Unit 2: Structure of Atoms  

General Introduction, Overview, Introduction of structure of atom, Discovery of electron, cathode rays experiment, Discovery of proton, canal rays experiment, Discovery of neutrons, plum pudding atomic modal, Rutherford Atomic Model, Bohr atomic theory, Difference between Rutherford Atomic Model and Bohr atomic theory, Electronic Configuration, Isotope.

Unit 2 | Structure of Atom | Chemistry Class 9 | Hindi/Urdu 

This chapter touches upon topics such as the importance of structure of atom, Discoveries, theories and experiments and much more.

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